GokuFievel Movie Checklist Chart

GokuFievel features the best of American animation like An American Tail and the best of Japanimation (anime) like DragonballZ and Pokemon.

And when you have all these entertainment value shows you must have a criticize grading system. Ladies and Gentlemen I don't believe in the 1 out of 10 system, or 2 thumbs up, or 5 stars thing! IT'S VERY BAD CRITICISM!!!


I say what's good and what's bad in each station so that you'll know if it's right for you! This particular page is just a map on how to read the Checklist pages from each film I have on my site. So here is the list and the interpretation.



Rating: What it's rated and why.


For who?: Age groups or types of people.


Year: Date it was first shown.


Time: Number of episodes or hours in a movie.


Action: Types of action if any.


Violence: This can go from just comic violence like a pie in the face to DBZ fireballs, to just down right gore!


Language: Rules are rules. Any vulgarity or bad negative tone that would concern parents.


LoveMaking: Rules are rules. This will be your early warning system. This can go from just plain old kissing to (U KNOW WHAT).


Cast: This may not always show up for legal reasons. This will be a list of the voices and directors.


Music: Type of music. Musical numbers and how many of them.


Pros: The positive, or good stuff about the film or show.


Cons: The negative stuff. The bad things or not as good things in the film or show.


OK so there's your map of the Checklist. Now please go and visit the films or shows on my site. Or if you were led here from one of the checklists just push "Back" on your internet toolbar.

Or just return to GokuFievel
