DragonBallZ Review Chapter6: Reinforcements THE GINYU FORCE!!!


Frieza, (the strongest warrior in the entire universe) was outraged and disappointed with the failure of his bodyguards. So Frieza ordered the only group that was second strongest to him......THE GINYU FORCE!!!

Here is a pose picture of the entire Ginyu Force Team. Sorry for the fuzziness of the picture. The machine got a little sick.

The Ginyu Force arrived and introduced each other to Frieza. There are 5 members of the team. Here there are in order of strength from weakest to strongest.


"GULDO!!!"=He has the power to freeze time!!!

(He's the green guy in the picture above.)

"RECOOME!!!"=The Big Boy of the bunch!!!

"Recoome! Master of DOOM!" "My name is Recoome, it rhymes with doom, and you'll be hurting all to soon!"

"BURTER!!!"=The Fastest Fighter in the Western Universe!!!

"Hi! I'm your worst nightmare!"


"JEICE!!!"=The Rock Star. The alien girls go for him!

"I'm way more good looking' than Burter!"


And last, but NEVER EVER LEAST.........


"CAPTAIN GINYU!!!"=The meanest, toughest, fighter besides Frieza!!!

"I want to see some poses!!!"




Because they are a team they always introduce each other in style. (This is my style)


Frieza then ordered the Force to find Vegeta, get the Dragonballs, bring them back to Frieza, and then kill Gohan and Krillin. The Ginyu Force was off!


Meanwhile just before Vegeta was about to attack Gohan and Krillin for the last DragonBallZ, Vegeta sensed something! He felt that the Ginyu Force was on they're way! Vegeta knew that he had NO CHANCE against the Ginyu Force! Vegeta knew that he could not defeat the entire Ginyu Force and Frieza by himself. So he did something that shocked each and every DBZ fan! HE TOOK SIDES WITH GOHAN AND KRILLIN!!! Vegeta explained everything to the two, and Gohan and Krillin believed him because they too sensed that a great evil was headed their way! So Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta shook hands to be partners from now on despite what happened on Earth. Vegeta tried to destroy Earth and those two NOW HE IS AN ALLIE!!!


The picture that shocked DBZ fans everywhere! Vegeta friends with Gohan and Krillin!!!


However, Vegeta still wanted the Dragonballs, so his plan was that he was going to lure the two over to the Dragonballs, then make his wish, AND THEN KILL GOHAN AND KRILLIN ANYWAY! So, Vegeta's been having his fingers crossed the whole time!!!


But by the time the three made it to DragonBallZ pile, THE GINYU FORCE WAS THERE WAITING FOR THEM! Burter stole the 6th ball, and Guldo got the 7th ball! THE GINYU FORCE HAS CAPTURED ALL 7 DRAGONBALLS! Captain Ginyu took the Dragonballs back to Frieza while he left the 4 remaining members of the Ginyu Force to "Have some fun with Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta." (In other words,......"KILL THEM YOUR WAY!") Guldo knew Vegeta personally so he decided to fight first.






Gohan and Krillin flew high into the air with power levels of 16,000 and above! They both fired 16,000 power leveled FIREBALLS AT GULDO!!! Vegeta just stood by and watched while Gohan and Krillin fought the first member of the Ginyu force. Guldo dodged their fireballs and ran! Guldo fired some fireballs of his own. But they didn't work! Suddenly Krillin fired a massive fireball at Guldo from the air!


Krillin firing a fireball at Guldo.


But then Guldo used his super powers and FROZE TIME!


Guldo stopped a moment in time and dodged the fireball. Then Guldo fired his own fireball at Krillin. When time went back to normal, it seemed like Guldo was really fast, when he really wasn't. He just stopped time and moved around. But then Gohan and Krillin went to their maximums! And it was too much for Guldo's time freeze to handle! So he froze time again, but this time headed for cover!


Gohan blasted away Guldo's hiding place. Just before the two were about to finish off Guldo, Guldo used his MAXIMUM POWER MOVE! THE MIND FREEZE!


Gohan and Krillin were frozen in place! Guldo easily beat the crud out of the two now. Then just before Guldo was about to finish off Gohan and Krillin by killing them off,...............

VEGETA FLEW IN! He knocked off Guldo, and blew him up!!! VEGETA SAVED GOHAN AND KRILLEN'S LIVES!!!!!! Only a few months ago he was trying to kill those two!!!

Well, anyway,.........Guldo is down, but this fight isn't over. Because now it was Recoome's turn!

Recoome got out and did a super-charge on Vegeta. Recoome's power level was 33,000! That's 11,000 more than Vegeta's!!! (Remember power levels measure strength. The average American's power level is 5.) But when Recoome super charged at Vegeta, Vegeta started to power up to his maximum! When Recoome super-charged at Vegeta with his "Recoome Boom" attack, Vegeta BLASTED RECOOME with his best fireball!




Recoome went flying from the blast horizontally then he crashed on an island 5 miles away in 10 seconds! THE ENTIRE ISLAND EXPLODED THEN VAPORIZED! It looked like an H-Bomb explosion! Everything was vaporized within a 5-mile radius!!!


Well, ……………………………so much for Recoome………now who's next to fight in the Ginyu Force. Hum………!? The Ginyu Force ain't so tough! The DBZ gang has already defeated two of them. They'll be done by dinnertime. So,…………who's next? WHAT!?!?!?…………………………NO WAY!!!!!!!!! IT CAN'T BE!!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!! RECOOME SURVIVED THE EXPLOSION WITHOUT A SCRATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not only did he survive it without a scratch but also he insulted Vegeta by saying, "Woo! Wowee! What a ride! Can you do that again? That was fun! Ha! Ha! Ha!"


THAT WAS VEGETA'S BEST SHOT!!! (Now he knows what it feels like to be in a helpless situation against someone who's stronger than you.) Then Recoome re-did the "Recoome Boom" attack!

The Recoome Boom attack. At a power level of 33,000!

WHAM!!!!!! BAM!!!!!! BOOOMMM!!!!! SLAM!!!!!!

Vegeta was hit! Then Recoome did all sorts of combo moves on Vegeta. CLAM!!!!!! SLAM!!!!!! BAM!!!!!! Vegeta was severely injured! He was badly bleeding! Then Vegeta tried some of his best shots on Recoome! Vegeta knocked Recoome into the lake. But Recoome just flew out and did a killer uppercut on Vegeta! Then he slammed Vegeta back down to the ground in mid-air! After 10 minutes of suffering and being injured, Recoome finally did his final blow on Vegeta. Vegeta WAS DOWN! That was the second time in his entire life that he's ever lost a fight! Vegeta couldn't move! He was hurting everywhere! And he was the only strongest good guy (or former bad guy) out there!


Suddenly Krillin went after Recoome, but before Krillin could even swing a punch……POW!!!!!!!!!!! One hit and Krillin was down!!!


It was all up to Gohan now! They're only up to the second member of the Ginyu Force and already they're almost out of manpower! This is bad because even if Gohan wins and beats Recoome, he'll still have to take on Burter, Jeice and Captain Ginyu. And possibly Frieza BY HIMSELF IF VEGETA AND KRILLEN DON'T GET UP!!! They are all by themselves! They're on the planet Namek light-years from help from Earth! They are on they're own with this fight. So it's crucial that Gohan wins. (Because in Space no one can hear you scream!!!)

Gohan fought Recoome but already lost instantly! Gohan was injured in a matter of seconds! But then Gohan got back up because he knew that THE FATE OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE WAS ALL UP TO HIM!!! Gohan couldn't let Frieza use the Dragonballs to his own advantage. So when Gohan got up he gave a little superhero speech. "I am not afraid of you! My father always taught me, not to be scared of bullies like you! I am not afraid of you!" But then Recoome said, "Oh! Really well, that makes two of us!" (Meaning he isn't afraid of Gohan either.)

Gohan then powered up a little over 16,000 then attacked Recoome! But Recoome was still almost untouched! No damage to his body what so ever! Then Recoome did all sorts of power moves on Gohan then Recoome did his BIGGEST KILLER SHOTS! "The Purple Fireball Attack!"

Recoome's Purple Fireball Attack. The attack that nearly killed Gohan.

The Purple Fireball Attack splattered Gohan! Gohan was down for the count!!! The DragonBallZ gang has failed! The Ginyu Force was too much for them! And Recoome is the second weakest warrior! Just think about the other members! Just then Jeice and Burter ordered Recoome to finish all three warriors. So, just before Recoome was about to kill Gohan,……………suddenly there was something in the sky!


It looked like a meteor, and it had a HIGH POWER LEVEL! Not long after the sighting there was something else in the sky. It's a bird,…it's a plane,…NO IT'S SUPERMAN! NO! IT'S GOKU!!!!!!!!!! What's he doing on the planet Namek!? Oh ya! He was on a space pod from Earth headed for Namek. See Chapter 5 .

Goku came to Namek expecting to fight Vegeta assuming that he was the bad guy behind all of this again. But when Goku read Killen’s mind and found out that Vegeta saved Gohan's life (Gohan is Goku's son) Goku gave Vegeta a Sensu bean which brought Vegeta's health back up. He gave Gohan and Krillin a Sensu Bean too. Now all 4 of them are ready for battle! But Goku wanted to fight alone this time. Krillin thought that, that was nuts because Recoome was untouched even by Vegeta! But Goku ordered everybody to back off.

Goku went into battle. (Remember Goku has been training for battle in outer space under 100X's gravity) So Goku is very well prepared. But when Burter did a power level check with his scouter Goku's power level was only 5,000! Krillin is stronger than that!!!!!! Goku doesn't have a chance! (But little did everybody but Vegeta know that Goku was fooling the scouter.) Goku's power level was really around 180,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE NOW HAVE A NEW RECORD FOR HIGHEST POWER LEVEL!

Recoome did the "Recoome Boom" on Goku, then WHAMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RECOOME WAS DOWN IN ONE HIT!!!!!!!!!!!! Goku beat Recoome in 5 seconds when it took the others 3 Episodes!


Jeice and Burter were shocked then they went after Goku…………




Right here at this point in the show Cartoon Network did something upsetting………Cartoon Network showed DBZ reruns right here! They went back all the way TO THE FIRST EPISODE JUST WHEN IT WAS REALLY HEATING UP!!!!!! This upset all of us DBZ fans! So,……I'm not going to do that. I'm going to keep going with this review just a little further yet leave some room for you to see on your own.


Goku beat Burter without being touched! And that scared the CRUD out of Jeice! So Jeice ran away like a coward back to Frieza and Captain Ginyu. At this point it was a brief victory for the DBZ characters. Vegeta then realized something. Vegeta remembered something about a Saiyan story about the "Legendary Super-Saiyan"! Vegeta suspected that Goku must be a Super-Saiyan. A Super Saiyan is like the top of the top! Super Saiyans are the ULTIMATE STRONGEST FIGHTERS IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!! NO ONE IN ANY GALAXY CAN TAKE YOU ON! The last Super Saiyan to emerge was over 3,000 years ago. And his power level was also around 180,000! But he was so strong that he killed himself. The Legend of The Super Saiyan is a story that every Saiyan gets for a bedtime story. Is Goku a Super Saiyan?


Later the angry Captain Ginyu showed up to see this Saiyan that had beaten 3 out of 5 of his members.

Goku and Vegeta stood together side by side while Gohan and Krillin went out to find Bulma and the Dragonballs. But then Vegeta blasted a fireball at Goku!!! "SUCKER!!!" Vegeta was only pretending to be Gohan, Krillin, and Goku's friends. And now that 3 out of 5 of the Ginyu Force were gone, he no longer needed them. So Vegeta betrayed Goku and flew off so that Captain Ginyu would beat Goku and buy some time for Vegeta!

Captain Ginyu and Goku facing off each other in mid-air.

Captain Ginyu nailed Goku!!!!!! He attacked and bumped him. But then Goku got the best of Ginyu! So the score was pretty much 1 to 1. But Goku is no longer flawless!

Captain Ginyu about to fire a series of fireballs.


Captain Ginyu was quite the challenge for Goku! And then Captain Ginyu surprised Goku with some of his own tricks! Can Goku beat Captain Ginyu and possibly Frieza? Who will get to the Dragonballs first? What's going to happen next? Believe me the next episodes after this ARE TRULY AMAZING!!!!!! Find out what happens on DBZ on Cartoon Network about the rest of the Ginyu Force Fight, it's really good! And find out what happens next time on DragonBallZ Review.


Next Time on DragonBallZ Review:………………the wait is over…………no more fooling around…………no more play fights………it all comes down to this…………THE GREATES BATTLE IN DRAGONBALLZ HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE BATTLE OF FRIEZA!


Episode 7: Mission Truly Impossible: THE BATTLE OF FRIEZA!!!


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